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Video: Returning to school during Covid-19 – are schools in the UAE ready?

As schools reopen after the summer break, one question in every parents’ mind is whether the schools are ready to fight the pandemic and keep their children safe as the number of cases in the UAE have started shooting up.

What are the safety measures that have been put in place? How will schools ensure that students opting for home schooling and those attending physical classes will receive the same quality of education and training? What are the classrooms in the pandemic era going to be like?

Sarah O’Regan, CEO/Principal and Sara Hedger, Head of Safeguarding and Child Protection at GEMS Wellington Primary School speak about how prepared they are to take students back in, why they think it is a good idea to send children back to school and advice on parenting strategies in an exclusive fireside chat with Arabian Business.

(Source: Arabian Business YouTube channel)

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