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Video: David Spierings on the Netherlands Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

In this episode, Construction Week speaks to David Spierings, the lead architect for the Netherlands Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai.

Spierings talks to Construction Week about what visitors can expect when the Netherlands Pavilion opens on Oct. 1, 2021.

“People will be given a full sensory and interactive experience like no other. While the modern world is all about triggering the sense of sight by means of LCD, phone screens, and tablet screens, we want to offer a sensory experience that triggers all the senses,” Spierings says.

“Our Pavilion is designed as a sustainable biotope – a harvesting machine – that allows visitors to experience the connection between water, energy, and food.”

The Netherlands Pavilion has benefitted from the Expo 2020 year-long postponement and is now “working towards a temporary pause in the whole construction of the Pavilion” as it prioritises health and safety.

“From July onwards, we’re planning to halt construction until the beginning of January 2021. By the time we start this pause of our construction in July, about 80% of the total building will be completed,” Spierings adds.

(Source: Arabian Business YouTube channel)

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