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Video: How happy are UAE residents

UAE residents have experienced a marginal decline in overall wellness during the past year, dropping 1.6 points from 63.1 to 61.5 – though still ranking higher than the global average and countries such as the UK, France, and Singapore.

The slight decline was primarily driven by people having less personal time and concerns about meeting the needs of family members, according to the 2018 Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey.

Physical wellbeing also diminished slightly since the 2017 survey with the sharpest decline observed in the ability to exercise regularly.

Only 23 percent of respondents reported that they exercise on a regular basis compared to 29 percent in 2017, while 45 percent said they get sufficient sleep compared to 49 percent the previous year.

The survey showed that workplace wellness programs are considered crucial for employees in the UAE, with 81 percent of respondents agreeing that such initiatives are important in choosing between two potential employers.

In this edition of Inside AB, Jeremy Lawrence talks to Art Cozad, CEO, Cigna Insurance Middle East, to find out more about the report’s conclusions, including this summary by Cozad: “More people are feeling positive about their current financial situation and understand the need to prepare for their future. However, our findings also show a trade-off as we face increased levels of workplace stress today.” said Art Cozad.

(Source: YouTube channel)

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