The canal’s board of directors is reviewing a plan to create an additional reservoir to support future water demand for the waterway and Panama itself
water conservation
Homes in Dubai save 72 GWh of electricity and 583 million gallons of water over 10 years
The savings from DEWA’s conservation programme are equivalent to annual electricity consumption from approximately 211,000 apartments and the annual water consumption of 120,000 apartments
Water, the currency of our future?
When people think of limited, valuable natural resources, oil is mostly the commodity that first springs to mind. As a finite, non-renewable resource, the possibility of consuming the entire existing supply of crude oil is entirely possible, and the date we reach ‘peak oil’ – the point of no return, when we’ve begun to hit […]
Everything you need to know about the UAE’s cloud seeding initiatives
The strategy is part of the government’s bid to address the water needs of the UAE’s growing population
WETEX 2019: Addressing the Middle East’s water security woes
WETEX is the leading global Water, Energy, Technology and Environment Exhibition, organised by DEWA since 1999.
Opinion: Running out of water
As major cities around the world face running out of a basic yet vital resource, is now the time for the UAE to reconsider its water habits?