The airline distributed bags to students, each made from its advertising billboards in South Africa
Less than half of UAE residents take part in recycling, survey finds
Just 36% of residents in the UAE are mindful of electricity and water consumption
How a circular economy could save the GCC $138bn by 2030
New report urges Gulf governments to enhance the value and productivity of material resources
The greenhouse effect: Counting the cost of climate change
Climate change could mean a world without chocolate and coffee
‘Green hajj’ slowly takes root in Saudi holy city of Makkah
Thousands of cleaners are busy separating plastic from other rubbish as more than two million Muslims wrap up a pilgrimage to Makkah
Video: How Lebanese trailblazers are recycling rubbish mindsets
The world now stands together to fight single-use plastic. Joslin creates initiatives to convince the community to step away from plastic in a country ridden by a rubbish crisis.
Video: Plastic-eating enzyme could fight pollution
A plastic-eating enzyme created by scientists in Britain and the United States could help in the fight against pollution.
EGA recycled over 96,000 tonnes of waste in 2017
The volume was up 25% from 2016 as company reduced stockpiles
Thats right, Dubai is saving millions by recycling sand
The municipality says it has earned even more from the initiative