Prices for the second-generation iPhone SE will start at AED1,699. The new iPhone comes with a 4.7 inch display, which is bigger than the first-generation iPhone SE but smaller than the newest phones, yet offers high-definition graphics for rich visuals.
Mobile handsets
Latest in Mobile handsets
Chinese smartphone maker
In pictures: Huawei Mate XS foldable 5G smartphone
Pre-orders in the United Arab Emirates will open on March 15th with prices expected to be around AED 9,900. The Huawei Mate Xs will be one of the first Huawei devices to launch with a revamped Huawei AppGallery, official app distribution platform.
foldable smartphone
In pictures: Samsung unveils Galaxy Z Flip
Samsung and iconic fashion brand Thom Browne collaborate on limited edition Galaxy Z Flip
Gallery: Caviar’s luxury Gulf-themed iPhone X
Russian luxury brand Caviar has produced a limited edition of Gulf-themed iPhone X
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Save time with these simple technology hacks
In pictures: Inside Samsung’s Galaxy Note8
If you’re thinking of dissembling your Samsung Galaxy Note8, don’t!