Knight Frank’s Prime Global Cities Index tracks the movement in prime residential prices across 45 cities worldwide using data from our global research network.
international property investment
Bahrain’s GFH acquires $100m US tech office portfolio
Bahrain-based GFH says acquired portfolio consists of five income yielding buildings located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Middle East investors take Brexit hedge with the UK’s industrial property sector
Middle Eastern investment into western commercial property fell more than a third in 2018 as a result of concerns over Brexit
Cityscape chases big property spenders with invite-only day in Dubai
Cityscape Global announces plan to hold invitation-only day on September 25 at Dubai World Trade Centre
Theresa May plans UK property tax for foreign home buyers
Bank of England Governor Mark Carney said a no-deal Brexit could see house prices plummet by over 35%
Video: Where are the new global property investment hot spots?
For years, London has been the go-to city for property investors from the Middle East. But Brexit, tighter lend and tax criteria, along with poor yields, have forced investors to seek out new homes for their money.