His life could easily be made into a Bollywood biopic complete with near-death experiences, film stars, fireworks, private jets and Rolls-Royces, but the ‘King of Spice’, Indian retail billionaire Dr Dhananjay Datar, is not finished writing the script just yet
Indian Billionaire
Anil Ambani
Chinese lenders claim $2.1b from Anil Ambani’s Reliance
Chinese banks account for approximately 25% of the total claims
Billionaire List
Video: Who are the richest Indians in the UAE?
The total wealth of this year’s 20 richest Indians in the UAE list surpasses $50bn for the first time. It’s an astonishing number – especially bearing in mind that several of them, such as Yusuffali MA, started out with virtually nothing. The Lulu Group founder was a virtually penniless man when he made his way to the UAE in 1973 on a small boat to work in his uncle’s tiny distribution company. His company now has a turnover of $7.4bn and a workforce of 46,000.