Settlement with founder of Crescent Group, Hamid Jafar, means Abraaj’s Arif Naqvi will no longer face jail sentence over the $217m bounced cheque
Hamid Jafar
Latest in Hamid Jafar
International arrest order against Abraaj founder ‘not possible’
Dr Habib Al Mulla, who is representing Arif Naqvi in a $217m bounced cheque case, disputes claims his client could be subject to international arrest warrant
Exclusive: Abraaj founder faces second bounced cheque case over $217m payment
News comes less than two weeks after founder Arif Naqvi reached an out of court settlement with Hamid Jafar over a $300m bounced cheque case
Court dismisses bounced cheque case against Abraaj founder Arif Naqvi
The claimant, Crescent Group founder Hamid Jafar, agreed to the out-of-court settlement last week, according to sources