If there is anything we can take away from consumer behaviour in the past 12 months it’s that they are voting with their feet, says Natasha Hatherall-Shawe
Companies marketing
UAE’s top brands revealed – best companies at providing customer service
Arabian Business presents the results of the Service Hero customer satisfaction index, which reveals the top brands in the UAE last year with the highest scores for overall customer satisfaction. Service Hero’s Index provides a rigorous annual snapshot of consumer feelings and since 2010 has measured over 300,000 consumer voices covering more than 300 private sector companies.
Revealed: Brands in Kuwait that are providing the best customer service
Arabian Business, in cooperation with Service Hero, presents the top brands in Kuwait last year with the highest scores for overall customer satisfaction. Service Hero’s Index provides a rigorous annual snapshot of consumer feelings and since 2010 has measured over 200,000 consumer voices covering more than 300 private sector companies.
How to be a #social startup in the UAE
Prominent voices in the world of hashtags and filters join the Arabian Business StartUp Academy to share lessons they have learned, and continue to learn, about making the best of social media when setting up, sustaining and growing a small business in the Middle East
Advertising is dead. Long live advertising.
Opinion: If advertising is dead, how did a print ad from Nike make global news, asks Reda Raad, chief executive of TBWARAAD
Commoditisation of controversy: Why brands are embracing politics
Nike’s controversial ad featuring Colin Kaepernick is a sign that brands are increasingly folding politics into their larger marketing efforts