Apple launches Apple One subscriptions that combine several services — including Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple News+, Apple Fitness+, and iCloud storage — at a lower price than users would pay if they bought each service individually.
Apple iCloud
Latest in Apple iCloud
UAE’s top brands revealed – best companies at providing customer service
Arabian Business presents the results of the Service Hero customer satisfaction index, which reveals the top brands in the UAE last year with the highest scores for overall customer satisfaction. Service Hero’s Index provides a rigorous annual snapshot of consumer feelings and since 2010 has measured over 300,000 consumer voices covering more than 300 private sector companies.
Video: Why Apple products are so expensive
Apple’s reputation and brand allow it to charge a premium for its high-end products, like the iPhone 11 Pro Max, MacBook Pro, or the iMac Pro.
Apple set to unveil video streaming, news subscriptions service
Apple’s three big hardware markets – smartphones, personal computers and tablets – are stagnating