IPL 2010 - Sunny Varkey
Posted inUncategorized Indian Power List 2010

Sunny Varkey

Company: Global Education Management Systems (GEMS)

Designation: Founder and Chairman

Millionaire Sunny Varkey is the epitome of a self-made man. His education group, GEMS, has morphed from a single Indian primary school to the biggest provider of K12 education in the world. With Varkey at the helm, Global Education Management Systems (GEMS) today teaches 100,000 students in 100 schools across eleven countries. Varkey’s interests don’t end with education. The Dubai-based entrepreneur has his fingers in a number of pies, including construction and healthcare. He has been equally lauded in India for his achievements. In 2009, he was awarded the ‘Padma Shri’ in recognition of his contribution to education and social services.

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