All taxes and service charges are included in the published prices of hotels, restaurants, cafés and nightclubs, by law.
Even taxi fares have taxes and a standard 15 percent service charge. To be sure, look for the phrase “inclusief BTW en service.”
The Dutch tourist board states that ‘Tips for extra service are always appreciated but not necessary.’
In a café or bar, leave some small change. In a restaurant, leave 1€ to 5€ per person, or 10 percent of the bill.
Tipping in hotels isn’t expected unless you are staying for a long time, or you receive extra services, but of course, it’s good to reward bellboys, porters and room service with €1-2 ($1.32 – 2.64).
For taxi drivers, round up the fare by a Euro or two, or give as much as 10 percent if you wish.