In her various roles, Chow champions gender equality and growing the number of women in investment.
She is a founding member of the Women’s Angel Investing Network (WAIN) the first women’s angel investor group in the Middle East to invest in women-led start-ups through a unique collaborative process.
As senator to UAE for WBAIF, an affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), she is committed to collaborating globally to empower the economic development of the world by fostering innovative financial instruments for startups, scaleups, innovators, entrepreneurs and SMEs and to promoting gender equality and women’s participation in all sectors of the world economy.
“Start-ups that have diverse leadership, where there is at least one female founder, have higher returns per invested dollar. Why are VCs ignoring this fact? VCs, mainly with male GPs invest with a gender lens. This is nicer way of saying ‘biases’.”
Chow is also a board member of the Global Start-up and Women Executive Committees.
During her 13 years in Dubai, Chow has garnered a strong reputation for originating business focused events that target captains of industry, as well as trendsetters in the UAE through her firm, The Elements Group. She also serves as a co-chair for Women In Business at The Capital Club, DIFC.
She says that while there is still a lot to be done, inclusivity must from the top down.
“I do firmly believe it is important to not only attend all women only events. The decision makers are still predominately male. Networking events with men are vitally important to attend. If you are organising an all-female event, be sure to invite men. Men need to be included in the dialogue regarding equality and gender parity. There are many men that champion women every day. They need to be part of the dialogue if we want to move the needle.”