World’s Most Powerful Arabs 2019: 41-Rashid Al Ghurair
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Rashid Al Ghurair

Company: MENA Energy

Designation: Founder and CEO

From its inception in 2009, Rashid Al Ghurair has developed MENA Energy into the leading privately owned energy trading and shipping house in the Middle East based in Dubai. Geographically, MENA Energy trades oil in the Middle East, Europe and Africa. 

Late year 2018, Al Ghurair founded CAFU, the region’s first on-demand fuel delivery application focused on reinventing the whole oil downstream sector through adapting the latest technologies. The plan for CAFU is to use the UAE as the main platform for future expansion of the on-demand fuel delivery service to the region and beyond. 

This year, CAFU was awarded in Dubai for being the best platform utilising AI in the energy sector. Recently, Al Ghurair announced the launch of CAFU’s Research and Development Centre in Sharjah which aims to create an ecosystem that enables CAFU’s business agility and industry leadership in addition to providing intelligent solutions to improve people’s lives.

Al Ghurair’s main focus is to drive innovation and technology adoption through shifting business models across traditional sectors such as energy, mobility and as a result solves many problems facing today’s consumers and businesses.

 Al Ghurair is an active and involved leader who provides hands on, day-to- day management in his area of operations. He continues to stay personally involved with many projects so he never loses touch with the issues and challenges facing the business. He combines both a strategic vision and drive to develop a reputation for quality, integrity, and innovation. 

In addition, Al Ghurair is a board member at Al Ghurair Investments and board member at Al Ghurair education foundation. 

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