Since its inception five years ago, Jassim Alseddiqi’s Abu
Dhabi Financial Group (ADFG) has built up an investment portfolio worth at
least $1.5bn in assets. In particular, it is making high profile acquisitions
in London, including No.1 Palace Street and New Scotland Yard, for which it
announced redevelopment plans in February.
It also has ambitious plans to expand in Eastern Europe and
is currently working to build up a land bank on the Black Sea in Bulgaria, as
well as other sites in Serbia and Montenegro.
Over the last years, the company has evolved and expanded
into an integrated financial services platform under the umbrella of ADFG,
branching out into real estate investments and debt structuring and management.
Alseddiqi is also the chairman of Integrated Capital and First Gulf Financial
Services, as well as being a board member at First Gulf Bank, Tourism and
Development Investment Company, Qannas Investments, Northacre Plc and Abu Dhabi
Capital Group.
He holds a degree in electrical engineering from the
University of Wisconsin Madison, and earned a master’s in the same subject from
Cornell University in the US.