Apple is said to be in the process of developing its 10th iteration smartwatch – Apple Watch X. The Apple Watch X is slated for a launch in either 2024 or 2025 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of its smartwatch series, according to a Bloomberg report.
This forthcoming model is reported to incorporate substantial changes to date and is said to include a new magnetic attachment-based strap system.
As per the report, the Watch X will be the slimmest smartwatch ever crafted by Apple. It is set to incorporate a new magnetic band-swapping mechanism, which will eliminate the space required to attach the strap, and further help the company to reduce the watch dimensions.
Reports also suggest that the Apple Watch X will boast a thinner microLED display and an integrated blood pressure sensor, enhancing the health and fitness-related functionalities.
Since its inception in 2015, Apple has stuck to an annual release cycle for its smartwatches, accompanied by the introduction of more budget-friendly models such as the Watch SE and the second-generation Watch SE every once in a while.
The company unveiled its most advanced smartwatch – Watch Ultra in 2022 with a titanium frame.