The Emirates Aircraft Appearance Centre, the world’s largest aircraft painting facility owned by an airline, has announced it stripped and repainted 33 aircraft last year, or 13 percent of its fleet.
During the year, Emirates gave a fresh coat of paint to three Airbus A380s and 22 Boeing 777s, in addition to eight aircraft that were retired as a part of the airline’s strategy to operate a young, modern, and efficient aircraft fleet, the airline said in a statement.
Emirates’ facility in Dubai also installed decals on 72 aircraft and executed over 105,000 painting jobs including cabin touch-ups across the world’s largest fleet of wide-body aircraft in 2015.
Some of the customised decals installed on the Emirates fleet during the course of the year include the Real Madrid A380, the Paris Saint-Germain A380, the Arsenal 777, the AC Milan A380, the Arsenal A380 and the United for Wildlife A380s.
Emirates said it makes sure that all its aircraft are in top operating condition from a technical standpoint and takes great pride in ensuring every aspect of its aircraft appearance meets the highest standards.
It added that a good paint job can help reduce fuel burn, and a smooth turnaround at the Aircraft Appearance Centre helps return the aircraft to scheduled service more quickly.
Emirates has also pioneered an innovation in the A380 repainting process by using a new adhesion promoter which ensures enhanced paint durability and longevity.
Emirates said it is working closely with aircraft manufacturers and industry partners around the world to introduce better efficiencies in aircraft paint application, with an eye on efficiency and eco-friendliness.