Elon Musk on Sunday announced that Twitter will soon add the ability to attach long-form text to tweets, ending “absurdity of notepad screenshots” and creator monetisation for all forms of content.
Improvements will also be made to Twitter’s search functionality as the current feature “reminds me of Infoseek in ‘98,” he said, “That will also get a lot better pronto.”
These new changes come as the new CEO takes over the social media platform.
After laying off at least 3,700 employees on Friday, Twitter Inc. reached out to dozens of employees from the firing spree, asking them to return back to work.
Elon Musk, who has declared himself the CEO following his $44 billion purchase of Twitter, said the social media platform will charge $8 (AED29.38) per month to verify users’ accounts.
Twitter Inc. fired more than 90 percent of its staff in India over the weekend, Bloomberg reported, “severely depleting its engineering and product staff in a potential growth market.” The firing spree is part of global reductions by Musk.