A new utility NFT platform, Lovely Humans, is set to launch, allowing users to buy up to five hours of time with an expert for a discussion of their choice.
Once a user has chosen an expert and passed through the bidding process, with payments accepted in crypto or fiat currency, the NFT is transferred to the users wallet for them to set up a time with the expert. After the conversation is concluded, the discussion is then stored in the NFT. This will allow the tokenisation of the conversation and open up a new avenue for sharing ideas.
“Allowing the parties to tokenise whatever they co-create together ensuring provenance and joint monetisation,” Sallyann Dela Casa, chief identity hacker and founder of Lovely Humans, told Arabian Business.
Experts available on the platform include leaders from industries such as fintech, sustainability, and the metaverse, to rocket scientists and data scientists.
Some of the experts already listed include: Patrick Hossein (AI/Data), Lars Rottweiler (Fintech), Dania Akeel (Motorsport), Peggy Liu (Sustainability), Nick Rosa (Metavese/Web 3.0), Dr Leon Vanstone (Rocket Scientist), and more.
This new platform will help “preserve human identity and ingenuity in a world of automation,” Casa explained.
“[Lovely Humans] helps you become an expert faster by giving you access to people who have been there, done that” she added.
In comparison to art NFTs, which users in the Web3 space are more familiar with, utility NFTs allow the tokenisation ideas and conversations and monetise these as well.
The conversations stored on blockchain through these utility NFTs can be preserved and anonymised for AI to learn from, in the future.
Casa describes blockchain as a non-erasable notebook, establishing a utility NFT gives a fair share for everyone who participated in the idea, conversation or solution that will take place through Lovely Humans.
“It preserves the providence and origin of what happens and there is never any question of intention since it is evidenced clearly with the smart contract,” Casa explained.
On the question of why experts are only available for five hours, Casa explained that the platform’s industry experts already have prior commitments, leading to scheduling conflicts, with five hours the longest amount of time reasonable available at novice. The five hours purchased on Lovely Humans do not need to be used all at once, but can be spread over a period of time.