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In pictures: 10 apps millennials can’t live without

Business Insider has broken down some figures from ComScore, surveying 18-34-year-olds about the apps they can’t do without.

Millennials know what they want, and that’s avocado toast, free Wi-Fi and owning property.

10. Instagram: Who doesn’t love taking photos of food and sticking filters on them? Well, not everyone thinks it’s essential, quite clearly, with just 11% of those polled putting it in their top three most essential apps.

9. WhatsApp: The same percentage put WhatsApp in their top three, and when you consider the importance of our groups on the app it’s easy to see why.

8. Apple App Store: Also on 11%, the App Store seems essential at face value, but maybe people already have all the apps they need and have no need to download any more. Or just have non-Apple phones.

7. Google Search: Rounding off the 11 percenters, more than one in 10 of those polled use the specific Google Search app rather than just searching within their web browser.

6. Google Maps: At least 14% of people get lost all the time, apparently.

5. YouTube: Video consumption has changed a lot in the smartphone era, and that’s reflected by the 16% who consider YouTube among their three most essential apps.

4. Facebook Messenger: Some may be surprised to see this outrank WhatsApp by such a margin, but Facebook’s move to launch a standalone Messenger app seems to have made an impact with 18% viewing it as essential.

3. Facebook: A big jump here, with Facebook in 29% of people’s top threes. We all know plenty of people who use the app every single day.

2. Gmail: The only email app on the list, Gmail is far and away the most ‘essential’ with a 30% hit rate.

1. Amazon: Yup, it’s Amazon, with a huge 35%. Looks like people really love their shopping… good on the e-commerce app *pats*.

They were asked which apps they consider the ‘most essential’, and there aren’t too many surprises when it comes to which are there.

The order, however, is not what you might expect: while you might consider email apps to be the most vital, or Facebook to be the most essential, neither of them claimed the number one spot.

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