There are 100 days until Ramadan, according to astronomical calculations.
In the Hijri calendar tonight is the 20th of Jumada Al-Awwal. That means there are 100 days left until Ramadan 1444.
That would correspond with Ramadan starting on March 23,2023.
Ramadan dates subject to change
The dates are subject to change depending on the lunar cycle of the Hijri calendar.
During the Holy month, the Islamic community across the world abstain from eating and drinking among other prohibitions, from dawn until sunset.
Should Ramadan fall on March 23, which is a Thursday the 30-day annual fast would end on April 22, a Saturday, and Eid-ul-Fitr would begin the same day.
Official dates for the Holy month are announced by a moon-sighting committee closer to the time.
The UAE Cabinet has released the approved holiday dates for public and private sectors in 2023.
Holiday dates for Eid, National Day and New Year have been released giving employees and businesses the opportunity to plan activity accordingly.
After the Government approved the holidays there will be a guaranteed three long breaks for residents next year.
According to a post shared by the government, the following is the full list of holidays for next year:
- Gregorian New Year: January 1
- Eid Al Fitr: Ramadan 29 to Shawwal 3
- Arafah Day: Dhul Hijjah 9
- Eid Al Adha: Dhul Hijjah 10-12
- Hijri New Year: July 21
- Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) birthday: September 29
- National Day: December 2-3